Rails - File, New Project...
Even with RubyMine starting a new project is not simply File, New Project, like the rails new command, it can only take you so far.It's not complicated to set up a new Rails project but, as something you are likely to do farily infrequently, it is easy to skip or forget steps or commands. Charles Max Wood has posted a screencast of his Rails set up at what looks to be the start of a great screencast series.Here is a terse run down of my setup:
rails new appname -J -T
-J skips prototype files, -T skips testunit files.cd appname
rvm --create --rvmrc 1.9.2@appname
rvm rvmrc trust
mvim .
or mate . or whatever editor you use.- Amend the /Gemfile (Edit: I'll update these files as I improve my process, add new gems to the default set and gems are updated/changed)
bundle install
rails g rspec:install
rails g cucumber:install --capybara --rspec --spork
spork --bootstrap
rails g jquery:install -ui
rake db:create
- Amend /.gitignore
git flow init
Accept the git-flow defaults. I like the structure provided by git-flow and will post on it in the future to explore it more.git add .
git commit -m "Project skeleton"
git remote add origin git@github.com:JohnPlummer/project_name.git
git push -u origin develop
git push -u origin master